Director of "Aristokrat II"
______________Maslyayeva Z.A.
Introduced on 01.08.2024y.
Accommodation at the hotel «Aristokrat»
effective from 01.08.2024
Prices include VAT 7% (Law of Ukraine dated 04.11.20, №962-IX).
Room category | Price per room (UAH./Day) at 1 local settlement |
Price per room (UAH. / Day) at 2 local settlement |
ECONOM One-room, single |
2000,00 UAH. | |
STANDARD one room, double |
2500,00 UAH. | 3000,00 UAH. |
SEMI-LUX, two-room |
2700,00 UAH. | 3200,00 UAH. |
LUX, two-room |
3000,00 UAH. | 3500,00 UAH. |
HONEYMOON SUITE | 3500,00 UAH. | 3500,00 UAH. |
PREMIUM | 6000,00 UAH. | 6000,00 UAH. |
* The room rate includes breakfast
Rates are exclusive of tourist tax of 35,50 UAH\day\people.
Cost of additional place with breakfast 500 UAH \ day
Ltd. Director "Aristokrat II" | Maslyayeva Z.A. |